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Helpful Information for Advising

How can a CCE be fulfilled?
The CCE can be fulfilled either of two ways:
  1. Global Education Course CCE: A class that is taught here at Carroll that includes experiential learning activities such as: off campus immersion or in-classroom hands on experience.
    • There are 3 location types which are indicate on each program brochure:
      • On-Campus: no-travel whatsoever, fully on Carroll's campus. 
      • Local: Close to campus travel through trips either as a class or on own. Can occur during class time or outside of class time. This will be indicated on the course brochure. 
      • Travel: Domestic or international. Travel occurs during the semester the class is taught. No travel will occur outside of the semester the class is taught. No travel options will be avaialble for fall semester as there is no breka to allow students to travel. 
  2. Study Abroad CCE: Students take course(s) at an international institution and receive the credits from Carroll through a course pre-approval process.
    • Travel can occur during any term (fall, winter, spring, summer) and range from two weeks to an entire academtic year. 
When should the CCE be taken?
The CCE should be taken after a student's CCS100 but before a student's CCS400. It is prefered that students complete their CCD as well, however, this is not a requiremnt. Students can be enrolled in their CCD at the same time or even after completing their CCE with no issue. CCE is the third course in the thread.
  • Students are generally juniors when applying to Global Education Course CCEs.
  • Students interested in a Study Abroad CCE can and should start planning early because they may be able to take some of their general education credits oversees.

Where can students find the available CCE options? 
Students can find all the information they need about Application Deadlines, which Global Eudcation Courses CCEs are offered each term, and the various Study Abroad CCE programs on our website! It will have the most accurate and up-to-date information. Applications typically open either right before or at the very beginning of the semester. Please keep an eye on these! They are updated regularly so students can plan ahead! 

What does it mean to take a fall, winter, spring, or summer Global Education Course CCE?
The Global Educaiton Course CCEs are taught in every term. If there is travel for a Global Education course, it will ONLY occur during the semester the class is taken. 
  • For fall, only 2 location types are offered. There will only be on-campus and local options avaialble as there is no break to allow students to travel.
  • Winter occurs during j-term. Technically, all 3 location types are offered, but usually only one on-campus course avaialble. It is possible to have a winter local or travel course, but it is unlikely. There are very limited options for winter. Students will need to pay for taking credits outside the normal semester. This is indicated on the brochure and does increase the cost of the total CCE cost. 
  • For spring, all 3 location types are offered. Travel will occur during the entire spring break, typically leaving either the Friday or Saturday of the beginning of break and usually returning Sunday, the last day of break. On-campus and local options opperate as normal. 
  • For summer, all 3 location types are offered. Which summer session these classes occurs in varies, and can span over several sessions (May session, Summer 1, Summer 2). These coruses can meet either in-person or virtually (only available for summer). Those that travel typically travel directly after the class has completed. The session the class occures, how the class meets, and when the travel occurs is all indicated on each program brochure. Students will need to pay for taking credits outside the normal semester. This is indicated on the brochure and does increase the cost of the total CCE cost. 

What is the difference between a CCS300 and an NCE?
There are two types of Global Ecucation Course CCEs - CCS300 and NCE. The difference is that CCS300 is 2-credits while an NCE is 4-credits. Generally this means an NCE will also travel for a longer time. The large magority of courses are 2-credits. 

Where should students start?
  • Students can meet with staff advisors.
  • Look at the application deadlines to plan when they should apply. Applications open the month before normal class registration and thereforecan often surprise advisors and students.
  • Attend a CCE Fair. This is not just for first years! There is great information shared about classes being offered in the following semester. Studnets can come several times as each time there will be different faculty and study abroad providers all with different information about their programs. 
  • Encourage students to attend a CCE Info Session where a peer advisor gives basic CCE information to students.

How do acceptances work?
Acceptances for Clobal Education Course CCEs are based first on class standing and second on the date and time stamp when they complete an application. Acceptances for Global Education Course CCEs do not start until AFTER applications for the term close.

If a student is accepted into a Global Education Course CCE, they are sent an acceptance email and the same information is posted to their online application. The acceptance tells the student they following:
  • A $100 non-refundable deposit is due 4 days from the acceptance notice to hold their spot.
    • If students fail to pay (or contact the OGE office during this time to make alternative arrangements) students will be given a notice they have an additional 24 hour window to pay. If that window passes, they will be removed from the class list, and the next studnet on the waitlist will be offerend their spot. The additional 24 hour window is not advertizes to students. 
  • Whether they received a CCE award and the amount.
  • The total cost and how they will be billed.
  • Payment options.
  • They will be registered if they pay the $100 deposit. The registration is NOT immediate.
  • There are post-decision materials on their application that must be completed 60 days prior to departure.

Study abroad program acceptances are on a rolling basis. Exchange programs require a nominations process through the Study Abroad Advisor. There will be different requirements based on each program, so it is important to work with the Study Abroad Advisor.

Other Things to Note
  • Students do not need to pick a program that matches their major.
  • Students should save room the semester following their CCE to take their CCS400.
  • Students can have two applications open at the same time per term (Global Education Course CCE and Study Abroad CCE). We encourage all students to have two, because it increases their chances of acceptance into a Global Education Course CCE. There is rarely an issue getting students into a Study Abroad program as long as they follow all the requirements set by the specific program.
  • Check out the FAQ page. 

We are here to help you.  If you have any questions, email